
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Mojitos, Doritos and Fajitos

From GJ.
 My in-laws arrived early this morning to pick up Rebecca and Oscar, before I went to work.

GJ bought me a star to go with my afternoon tea, this princess could get used to being spoilt!  

Mums of twins.
After work I was absolutely zonked! Had a rest but felt fatigued. I had arranged for the twin mums (my dear friends for nearly 10 years now... Wow)! to come round. Tommy was our waiter for the evening, serving the mojitos, doritos and fajitos! I think he enjoyed every minute of it with all of the female attention!! Love him.

Life is two-riffic with twins

Monday 30 July 2012

Haircut 100

New haircut.
This morning, before work, I dropped the twins off at mum and dads again, and set off for Stevenage again. This time to see the hair lady. We tried on turbans, scarves and wraps, before she cut my hair off to a short style. 

Had an ab fab name idea for my wig from Jill..... PATSY!  

But then my cousin Tim sent me a text and I knew it was the one for me.......
Is it Paula?

I hereby name my new wig:


Short Hair.

Just getting used to my short haircut, but was advised that a crop is the best way forward, so that I can get used to less hair before it all goes (very soon apparently).

Still would be fun to think of hair names ie, Bigwig, Ludwig, Hairy Maclary.

If at first you don't succeed. 
Destroy all evidence that you tried.

Sunday 29 July 2012

Snoozy Sunday

Feeling Sleepy today. Must have been the trampolining in the garden with the twins yesterday after work.

Tommy went out for a much deserved drink last night, this morning I slept until 11am. I dreamt that I had written Lord of the Rings, Tommy said that I had been Tolkien in my sleep. 

The kids played well together to give me a rest and then we all went to mum and dad's for lunch, I had a huge appetite. Fell into another nap for the afternoon. Last day of steroids and sickness tabs today.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Name the Mane

I had to inject myself again this morning, was weary but made it into work.

Feeling tired and bruised today, then had a lovely surprise visit from my bro and family after work. 
My nieces had made lovely cards, along with a bottle of pink medicine! 

And I was surely charmed by the beautiful lucky clover from Pete & Chris, way to go!

I think that I have now sorted the blog so that you can add comments without having to subscribe to anything, as long as you put your name after your comment in the comment box then press anonymous.

I need suggestions for a new name for my wig. Jolie; it's original model name, just doesn't do it for me.

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

Friday 27 July 2012

Chill Out

No work today, pootled around the house with the kids, a lazy day. Am not allowed any sun exposure, and have to cover my nails with dark polish to protect them from the sun, so gave myself a mini manicure and pedicure.

Mum and dad came round to visit and dad cut the lawn, whilst mum changed the beds. (They need the practice before I get really ill)!

Had a little power nap this afternoon, hope I am able to stay awake for the Olympic 2012 opening ceremony on TV 9pm - 12.30 tonight.

Had to inject myself this morning to stop my bones crumbling.

Working tomorrow if I feel up to it.

Contact today from friends in France, India, Australia and St. Albans.

...That annoying time between naps

Thursday 26 July 2012

Hair Today... gone tomorrow?


This was me this morning, 
before I dropped the kids 
off at mum and dads. 

Then I set straight off to the local wig shop where I met Lauren, Heidi and Kitty to be my advisers.

I had ideas about a long blonde girlie piece, but after I had tried on loads we all concluded that the best one for me (the very first one the consultant put on me) was the one which looked like the most like me!

Jon Bon Jovi eat your heart out, scroll down to see the new me!

Front and back elevation

“People always ask me how long it takes to do my hair. I don’t know, I’m never there.” 
Dolly Parton

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Pamper Hamper

Had a bit of a lie in this morning as didn't sleep too good last night, went into work a little bit later, but felt absolutely fine. Gran and Grandpa and the kids were at ours when I got home, so lovely to see them again.

Then Lauren came round for a girlie chat and a hamper full of me time goodies.

I have now booked to go to the wig shop tomorrow as advised, Heidi and Lauren are coming with me.... although Heidi did suggest a Pat Sharp circa 1980's, I thought about a Pat Butcher!


I always take life with a grain of salt, ...plus a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Chemo One, Ticked and Done!

Went to work for the morning, then Tommy and I headed back to Lister for my 1st chemo treatment. I sat in the chair for 3 hours having pink drugs pumped into me*. Then left with a sack full of anti sickness drugs, steroids and injections. 

Well here we go, feel fine at the mo... only 5 more to do!

* I now pee pink!

Laughing Stock :...
Cattle with a sense of humour

Monday 23 July 2012

Kaptain Keymo

Today Tommy and I went back to the Lister to get results and to be debriefed (and de bra'd) and to have blood tests ready for my 1st chemo tomorrow. 

They informed us that the second biopsy which I had taken from another part of the same breast is also cancerous. The CT scan showed an image on my lung, which they feel is not cancerous, but will check with another CT scan after 3 chemos.

Picked up my wig prescription and had a lovely country pub lunch on the way home.

I am not a snob - ask anybody
well, anybody who matters!

Sunday 22 July 2012


safe way to cook one's marshmallow
Saturday I arrived back at camp well rested and clean! A lovely sunny day all the kids (24 of us camping this year) swam, played cricket, badminton and football... All the adults (in need of a holiday) sat, drank, read, ate and drank again. Another barbeque for dinner before going to the clubhouse to see and be part of the entertainment. 

I got a taxi back to have a comfy nights sleep in the lovely bed again.

How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink???

This morning I returned to camp then we all set off, most on bikes, to a local pub, where we sat outside and had lunch, such a sunny day...I wondered if it would be a while until I would be wearing a boob tube again.

Back to camp to find our gazeebo had blown down.

Tommy's mum came to pick up the kids to look after for a few days, and we returned home. Meeting my Oncologist Monday morning where I will be told all about what is about to happen to me, and to get some test results.

Constipated people don't give a crap

Saturday 21 July 2012

School's Out for Summer

End of term, straight off to our camping trip in the rain. Got a bit upset on arrival as I wanted to stay and party with our pals, but we had decided that I should get a really good night's sleep and stay in a proper bed, so I stayed down the road at Tommy's mums. Luxurious night sleep (I could get used to this Glamping). Have a great summer everyone... it will get sunny.

Corduroy Pillows:... They're making headlines

Thursday 19 July 2012

More Photos of my Boobies!

The high bed.
Today mum and I went to the QEII for another biopsy, it didn't hurt as I had a local anaesthetic. But I was on the tallest bed ever, whilst they did their bits from below (there's a hole in the bed)... enough said!

Went back to work for the afternoon to keep myself busy. Tommy is being so wonderful, the perfect little housewife and I haven't even started my course of meds (no change there then).

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction

No Sports Bra required for Me

Wednesday was school sports day, I was meant to be at work, but took a few precious hours off to watch my budding Olympians.

Fortunately, yes, very fortunately, the mum's race was rained off!! Phew. 

'Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost.'

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Massaging Messages

Thanks to all my dear friends for the lovely texts and messages, (none of you got a reply... I am not going to go changing now), they really mean a lot and help me through this time. Today at work I even lowered my barrier, I think they were quite relieved to see the tears and realised that at last that I am starting to wonder if perhaps this is real and is really happening to ME.

I am just going to keep busy and take each day as it comes. You lot need to learn how to blog comment!

"Denial is not a river in Egypt" 

Monday 16 July 2012

It's all about to start.....

Still smiling at work.
Phoned the Lister today, start Chemo on Tuesday after an appointment on Monday, yes that is the first day of the kids Summer holidays! Will be going to Stevenage every 3 weeks or so for 4 months or so.

Whoever said nothing is impossible, never tried slamming a revolving door!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Sunday in the Garden

Today the in-laws came down for the day, I spent it gardening with them (much needed/weeded) it was so therapeutic. Our garden looks normal again. 

Then the kids went up the road to play with the neighbours, we then invited them all back for tea, yes even the hungry dad with the broken foot, head and heart.

 “If at first you don’t succeed,... skydiving is not for you!”

Saturday 14 July 2012

Hairy Fairy

Honey I shrunk the kids - Isle of Arran
Last night Rebecca had to write a letter to the Tooth Fairy as she had swallowed her wobbly tooth, this morning the fairy had been. 

If, when my hair falls out from the chemo, if I put it under my pillow do I get rich?... Is there a Hairy Fairy?

Today have spent the day Spring cleaning, it's also my little brothers birthday, we discussed that, as he is bald, as is dad, mum will be the odd one out in our family! My cuz Tim came for a visit, I was annoyed that he didn't look in the cupboards as they are sooooooo tidy now, he he. 

 “I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.” 

Friday 13 July 2012


Still in shock/denial, had a fab weekend with work's outing, Rock of Ages, Planet Hollywood, dancing at Tiger Tiger, then a fab hotel night with a gorgeous hunk of a man*.

Today I had a CT scan....easy!  My dear friend came along with me, although I felt a bit queasy after last night with my crazy school mums.

After school today we told the kids my news, I was absolutely dreading it and kept trying to put it off. 

It was absolutely fine, don't even know what I'd been worrying about. They always knew mummy needed any excuse to dress up in false eyelashes and wigs!

* It was Tommy! 

the waiting

From the Twin Mums

When we returned from our fantastic holiday in Scotland, I visited my GP who said she could feel a slight lump, so referred me to a specialist.

At the hospital they sent me for a mammogram and core biopsy, I had to wait a week for the results, then was shocked to find out that he diagnosed me with stage 2 breast cancer.  Oh poop.

from Kats
Met the Oncologist who wants to start chemo as soon as possible for 4 months or so, and then they will operate.

Once I had told my lovely friends, it reminded me of the time just after I had had the twins, lots of visitors, lots of hugs, lots of flowers and tea by the gallon!

From Heidi

Tuesday 10 July 2012


Whilst on holiday at half term with family, I noticed a difference in my breast shape.