
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Pamper Hamper

Had a bit of a lie in this morning as didn't sleep too good last night, went into work a little bit later, but felt absolutely fine. Gran and Grandpa and the kids were at ours when I got home, so lovely to see them again.

Then Lauren came round for a girlie chat and a hamper full of me time goodies.

I have now booked to go to the wig shop tomorrow as advised, Heidi and Lauren are coming with me.... although Heidi did suggest a Pat Sharp circa 1980's, I thought about a Pat Butcher!


I always take life with a grain of salt, ...plus a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila.

1 comment:

  1. lol Pat Butcher...maybe a Blue rinse to go with your pink wee, what ever is on your head or not you will always be gorgeous, think of you xxx


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