
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Monday 19 November 2012

Bob goes BACK in Time

Lauren popped round with a pile of ironing she had done for me. It takes me back to our college days when we used to iron for people in Hertford; we called ourselves Full Steam Ahead. 

Bex 'n' Bob
Mummy Mullet
On the way back from swimming lessons tonight Rebecca put on Common Bob. She had it on backwards! What a mullet! 

Backwards Bob could be a new way forward! When we got home Rebecca put on Bob again... the right way round this time. 

Massive headache today, I think it's a "Tense, Nervous" one. 

Get well soon Dad xx

Almost got my haircut; thought I'd mullet over first


  1. Nice Mullets;) Hope the headache has gone soon -huge hugs to you xxx

  2. Hi Paula, looking good!!
    Good luck for Friday, but you didn't have to go that far to get out of the shopping trip to Westfield!!!!
    Will be thinking of you, much love Claire xxxx

  3. Good luck on Friday Tina. Xx cus

    1. Simply the best, better than all the rest!! Chemo Queen x


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