
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Thursday 18 October 2012

Keeping A Breast

When I got home from work the breast care nurse telephoned to say that all the bigwigs had had their meeting about me yesterday, and all absolutely agreed that as my cancer has melted away so amazingly (something they hardly ever see), that they feel so positive about my results that they have decided that my best way forward is to have a little op, (a wide local incision) to conserve the breast and the removal of some lymph nodes to the right armpit, a bit of radiotherapy and I'm done!!! When all along they had told me that mastectomy was my path.

There goes my boob job! Ha. 

I phoned Tommy straight away, told the kids then rushed round to Mum and Dads to give them the great news (it's their wedding anniversary tomorrow, so I think they liked my 'gift'). Actually they ended up giving me a gift... Pink Champagne!

Tommy came home, very emotional with a beautiful chemo charm of a locket and a bottle of pink Champagne!

Q: What did one boob say to the other boob? 
A: You’re my breast friend
( . )( . )


  1. That's absolutely fantastic news!Jan & family

  2. Dearest Paula. Wish I lived round the corner so I could give you a hug. Such wonderful news. It couldn't be better and I couldn't be happier for you and Tommy and of course the twins and your mum and dad...........Have a fantastic weekend. Lots and lots of love Deb C xxx

  3. What fabulous news- after two bottles of Pink Champagne you might need a different kind of medical treatment!

  4. Paula, that's amazing news! So pleased you dont have to have major surgery. Enjoy your champagne and celebration tonight. Lindsay xxxxx

  5. Ah cus I'm so happy that I have just started drinking heavily to celebrate for you....and I had promised I would not drink for a month.

  6. OMG!!! That is just the best news so so happy for you. Well done you did that x x x
    Jodie x

  7. Hi Paula, that's fantastic news. You definately need to crack open that champagne. Love Julie & Simon.

  8. That's fantastic news!! Tina xx

  9. Bestest news ever Paula xxxxx well done you, I'd say it was all down to your positive attitude and state of mind, you are an inspiration to all. Missed you today, big hugs all round. Claire xxxxxxxxxx


  10. S(up)TC you certainly are Paula. Such fantastic news your positive attitude, friends and family and brilliant blog are the reasons why you can enjoy the champagne. Lindsey x x x x

  11. Hey Paula, So fab to hear your latest news, and 2 bottles of pink champagne to look forward to when you are feeling up for it !! Fantastic
    Lots if love
    Senior coz xxxx😊🍸🍸😊


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