
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Friday 19 October 2012

Zhu Zhu Pet

Zhu Zhu Car!
Zhu Zhu Pet
Feeling the effects of chemo again. I couldn't face any Champagne last night, felt tired this morning, swollen tongue, hurty legs and bones. Started injecting myself again. Lots of cuddles for me in the playground this morning due to my great news! Went to pick up our new car today, it was exciting (only stalled it a couple of times on the way home). Was meant to meet the twin mums for lunch, but came straight home to bed and slept. Got up to collect the twins, but felt a bit ill at school. I am watching Stand Up to Cancer on channel 4 tonight and realising how lucky I am. Kids at school disco.

Lots of calls, texts, facebooks, and blog comments today, thank you all so much. 
Chemo Queen xxxx

Don’t knock on death’s door. Hit the doorbell and run. He hates that


  1. Great news yesterday! Missed you today, hope you are feeling better. Love Lisa xx

  2. Hi Paula, I am so pleased to see you've had some good news. Your blog is great! I'll be following your progress. Jo Bartlam x

  3. Hey liking the new zhu wheels! So pleased to hear that you and kaptain chemo are blitzing the BC. Hope to see you soon, been under house arrest last couple of weeks looking after Peggy the puppy! Bit disappointed that Kats got to the airing cupboard before me! Lots of love HC xx

  4. Hope your up and about more soon, so happy for you after yesterdays news...you are lucky but have a fantastic attitude so all credit to you ! Bob will look great behind the new wheel :)xx


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