
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Friday 7 September 2012

50% Reduction

After school drop off I met the twin mums for breakfast at Van Hages. I popped into the wig shop as Common Bob needed a trim.... yes, that's right the fringe had grown! (when I was first fitted I had my hair underneath so the piece, as they call it, sat higher). 

In the afternoon I went along for an ultra sound scan at the QEII and they told me that now, half way through my chemo, the cancer has reduced by half - 50% - demi!!!!!!  I don't even think he could really see any cancer in the armpit lymph nodes anymore. 

Yee Ha!

Well done Kaptain Keymo! 

Why is the third hand on a clock called the second hand?


  1. That's fantastic news. Brillant. Julie G

  2. Paula, thats absolutely brilliant. What great news. Kaptain has his good points. Have a fab weekend. Lots and lots of love Deb C xxx

  3. Fantastic! Enjoy your weekend. Lindsey R x x x

  4. Such good news Paula. Have a fab weekend. Lots and lots of love Deb C xxx

  5. Come on Kaptain - do your stuff! T x

  6. Absolutely fantastic news xx

  7. Fab news. Love Lisa xx

  8. Yayyyyyy fabulous news !! xxx

  9. Wonderful! We are all behind you Paula and love your blog.xxx

  10. That's great news - love Tina x


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