
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Perfect Pants

Paula's A&E waiting room
Well, my ironing pile has gone down. Mum popped round whilst I was at work and picked up a few bits. The thing is, my airing cupboard is in such a state that the bits at the top, which she so kindly ironed, were not quite on my ironing wish list. But hey, our children now have the smartest pressed pyjamas and pants ever, yes pants!
Busy day at work, home to bed then the chest pains started. Phoned my chemo suite who told me to jump in an ambulance immediately to A&E. Tommy, my local paramedic, rushed me to the QEII A&E (we fancied a change of scenery). I flashed them my get out of jail free card and was immediately put into my own waiting room. I was then taken through to an individual side room where they ran lots of tests, including; bloods; ECG; chest x-ray; etc. A porter arrived to wheel me off to a ward, half way along the corridor a nurse called him back saying that he had got the wrong person! (that could have proved interesting...) Finally discharged, with a good heart (but you all knew that anyway!!), chest pains unexplained. All in a day with Chemo Queen. 

Well done Oscar for being voted as Green Bee at school.

The weather man said there won't be any rain for 6 months... I drought it


  1. Hope your feeling bit better now cus xxx

  2. Well done Oscar on being a Green Bee. Paula you are a little busy bee with all yours trips to and fro. Glad all was well. Rest up honey( bee). Lots and lots of love Deb C xxx

  3. Hope you are feeling better today. Love Lisa xx

  4. Good to hear your home and you have your identity back, I experienced that in hospital once...you can laugh afterwards but not so much at the time !! Hope you dont have anymore A&E trips and its just a one off - big hugs xxx


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