
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Thursday 27 September 2012

Sleeping Beauty

Only lasted the morning at work, slipped off to retire to bed where I slept for hours, couldn't face food, but got up to force myself to eat some iron. Tongue swollen, so tired, feel frustrated that I just cannot get anything done. 

When I'm feeling tired at work 

I just use my smart phone to download a nap

Rebecca and Oscar are arriving back from their school trip tomorrow, but I am worried that I won't have the energy to spend quality time with them (they will probably be tired too though)! Well, as Friday is my day off, I can have a lie-in and then take it easy for the day before collecting them.

Tomorrow is MacMillan Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning raising money to help change the lives of people affected by cancer.



  1. Morning my lovely friend. Have a good rest today. Hope the kids have had a good time on their trip. They will be tired too but so glad to see their lovely mum and dad. Snuggle on the sofa and hear all about it then an early night for all- perfect. Off to work now in my boat!! Deb C ( from York )

  2. Hey there, hope you start to feel more energetic and get your appetite back soon...
    I'm sure plenty of time later to get things done, just loose your things to do list for a while :) relax and enjoy the kiddies return with big cuddles, sending you one now and lotza love! xx


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