
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Saturday 1 September 2012


Bad day.
On my way to work this morning I dropped Rebecca off at mum and dad's, then Tommy and Oscar off at football training. Really didn't feel up to going in, got more and more tired and fuzzy brained as the day went on. Left an hour early and came home to bed. 

Sobbed my little heart out as I am so frustrated with being like this, I know it's just the drugs making me feel like this and they won't be there forever and are doing the job to reduce the tumour. But it's so exhausting. 

Uncle Fester.

Poor Jan came to the door to find a bald, grey eyed, mascara smudged monster! 

Cancer fatigue common effects include:
Difficulty doing the smallest chores – even everyday activities like brushing your hair, (hello, what hair?) showering or cooking can seem impossible.
A feeling of having no energy – as if you could spend the whole day in bed.
A feeling of having no strength to do anything.
Lack of concentration.
Having trouble thinking, speaking, or making decisions.
Difficulty remembering things.
Feeling breathless after only light activity.
Dizziness or a feeling of light-headedness.
Difficulty sleeping (insomnia).
Loss of sex drive.
Feeling more emotional than usual.
Fatigue can affect the way you think and feel. You may find it impossible to concentrate on anything. This may affect your work, but it can also occur with things that you usually enjoy doing – even reading or watching TV can be difficult.

Fatigue can affect your relationships with family and friends. It may make you become impatient with people around you, or you may avoid going out or being with friends because it’s too much effort.

I took part in the sun-tanning Olympics - I just got bronze


  1. My dear friend keep your pecker up. You will have your bad days but lots of good ones too. You have so many people who love and care for you and rightly so. We are all there for you and you can ring me anytime and shout! Where's that pink champagne when you need it?!! Lots and lots of love Deb C xxx

  2. Poor you Paula, sounds like the chemo is getting you down. Stay strong though , as you said, drugs are doing their job and if you need to rest / sleep then no-one is gonna hold it against you......sleep, sleep, rest, rest !! Big hugs for the forth coming week of chemo. Lots of love Sam xx

  3. Dearest Paula, sorry to read not so good today. You looked fantastic yesterday, it was lovely seeing you. You are only human and must let your frustrations out and tears flow. Chin up and concentrate on which charm you are going to choose next!! Love Lindsay. Xxxxx

  4. Paula...apart from my self of course you could almost be the funniest person I know...

    Great attitude & strong...thinking of you

    P.s...no hair is ok :) xx

    Paul G ( Greg wallace )

  5. Hey babe, you are allowed to feel frustrated, angry, & upset. You are going through so much at the moment. Just remember you don't have to go through it on your own, we are all here for you and will do anything we can for you. Love Son xx

  6. Hi Paula
    Sorry you're finding it tough hun. You can't be brave all of the time. I hope it gets easier for you soon. Everyone's thinking of you and here for you. On the plus side (from my point of view), you are helping me revise for my occupational therapy viva on wednesday! I have lots of info on fatigue management if you would like it (I'm sure you have it already). Also I shall have some freedom for a few weeks after wednesday, so let me know if you want me to have Oscar and Rebecca after school 1 day. Lots of love Sue x

  7. You certainly didn't look like uncle Fester when you greeted me at the door yesterday (sorry if I disturbed your much need sleep). Hope you've had a better day today and eaten some of those chocolates! Jan xx

  8. Just catching up on your post. Blimey I could tick the box on all of those and I'm not even up against captain k! Paula, you are an incredible person. I wish I could have your zest for life and sense of humour. I hope you can gather strength from all our love. Think we should definitely organise a pyjama party for us year 5 Mums when you are feeling up to it. Happy to host. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Jx


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