Well, I had a little lie-in and then thought I would head down to the school to show my face for the MacMillan coffee morning, but I was a bit late and most people had gone, so I returned home with every intention of getting to the next coffee morning on time (10.30) down at the fire station. At 12 noon one of my many alarms went off to remind me to take some tablets, which woke me up... I had slept all morning. Couldn't drag myself out of bed to get any food, so just stayed sleeping all day.
Tommy came home early to meet the kids from their school trip, I did try to get up so that I could go to meet them too, but felt feint and weird, so waited at home. Disappointed with myself for not being able to do what I want when I want.
The twins came home with stories of their trip and excited to be back home. I am meant to be working Saturday, but the way I am feeling at the moment, is not looking too good for a productive day. Night night my little bloggies and bloggettes.
Chemo Queen xx
Just around the corner,
There's a rainbow in the sky.
So let's have another cup o' coffee,
And let's have another piece o' pie.
~ Irving Berlin, 1932
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