
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Thursday 16 August 2012


What a Buzz
Off to the Science Museum today with Tommy, the kids and Common Bob to learn about space travel ready for their year 5 projects. 

We all had a great time, loving all the interactive bits. Spent ages in the museum and had a lovely lunch there too in the Deep Blue Diner. Walked through Carnaby Street to Hamley's.

Fluffs and Fudgy
can't believe that we never seem to come home from London on the train without Build-a Bears! (purchased at Hamley's). We had a fantastic day... but boy am I beat now.

Oh, did I mention that I bought some lovely new shoes in Carnaby Street? £120 down to £14!!!!

I am absolutely loving all the comments coming in, would love to hear from you all as I now have 5,000 hits.

Exit signs? They're on the way out!


  1. Ooh I like Fluffs & Fudgy! Oscar & Rebecca very cute too! Glad to see still able to hunt out a bargain, that's my girl! HC xx

  2. Looks like Common Bob had a good day out!! You look gorgeous with & without it. Andrew is going to be soooo jealous of the new cuddly wuddlys. Son xx

  3. Loved common Bob so much I have had my hair cut just like him today. Roots aren't so great though- mine are grey!London sounds fab, Love you lots Deb C xx

  4. How come you are always so good as sniffing out a bargain! £14 for a pair of £120 shoes - I think I need to come shopping with you! By the way I'm loving Common Bob..it looks boblicious (just invented a new word there!).. Bevxx


  5. We did appreciate and were so pleased your Dad sent us the link to your blog so that we can have a share in the on-going experiences of our very stoic bridesmaid.
    The photographs, layout and amusing words are superb - what professional talent. An idiots guide for the silver brigade would be much appreciated!
    So glad you have been having some family fun during your summer holiday break.
    Much love to you all.

    L&G Devon

  6. Wow what a shoe shopping...crikey I'm coming shopping with you next time, thats retail therapy for you !!
    You and common bob look good together, big hugs xxx

  7. Is that really you? Please say "Hi" to Common Bob from us. All our love M&D XX


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