
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Thursday 2 August 2012

Tomato Soup

Last night LR, another twin mum, came round, we sat and chatted and ate strawberries and cookies. She is into all these reality programmes, so now is hooked on my blog! 

Woke up feeling good this morning but after being in work a little while I got back bone pains in my lower spine, it had been my last day of the injections which stimulate the bone marrow to get into high gear to produce white blood cells, so this is probably related. All along, up until now, I had been doing quite good, I just had most of the symptoms of pregnancy, ie funny smells, heartburn, indigestion, nausia and tiredness with a bit of breathlessness thrown in.

Fatigue also set in today so I left work early to come home for a nap. The twins arrived back from their break at the grandparents, but I wasn't up to getting up. It's early evening now and I feel a tad better after my favourite illness remedy... tomato soup! Am now at the point where my immune system is at it's lowest so have to be careful around germs. 

Oscar & Rebecca Aged 4, 2007.
Great to have my babies back.  

Save the whales....
Collect the whole set


  1. Oscsar looks so different, whereas Rebecca looks exactly the same. Hope the tiredness wears off soon Jodie x c

  2. Thanks for a lovely evening, the wine, strawberries and cookies were gorgeous! Started the book it looks like its going to be good! I'm still loving the blog one because I featured in it and two because your updates are informative and funny. I left your house on Wednesday evening with a BIG smile your humour and attitude is just great! Hope you are feeling less tired today and enjoy your weekend x x


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