
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Saturday 18 August 2012


Common Bob's first official day at work today. Back to my desk after nearly two weeks holiday, they were gentle with me on my first day back, I sat out of the searing heat in the air-conditioned office. The Saturday girls did all the hard grafting showing applicants around the properties. Super boss let me go a bit early, I came home and went straight to bed for a deeeeeep sleep. Tommy took the kids to the park to play football and to hunt for tea. He is so special, absolutely does everything and never complains or whinges. Shopping, cooking, washing, tidying, bed changing, (must teach him how to sew) etc. He informed me that we had won 2.9 on the Euro Millions today, yes that's right, £2.90. 

Humpty was pushed.  Mona Lisa was framed


  1. Hi Paula, loving bob. You look as amazing as ever and glad to read you have enjoyed lots of quality time with family straight after chemo. I'm concerned about the news flash! "OMG" (as my kids repeated say) Who's going to out drink me on our next girlie night!! Must get night in/out sorted soon. Moquito's are good without added sugar!! Lots of love Lindsay. Xxx

  2. Hi Paula,
    Only just caught up with your blog as we've had no internet for a couple of weeks!
    I must say common bob looks fab on you- not common at all, but I loved the piccie of you with your brother with no hair. You look beautiful!

    You are doing so well. Big hugs to u all


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