
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Life is a Rollercoaster

Hove towards Brighton at sun-up.

I wore my pink cotton scull cap to bed last night to collect any (many) stray hairs. Woke up at 5am this morning (seagulls again) so decided to take a stroll down to the front. It was a beautiful calm morning. I walked for miles. When I got back I was so frustrated with my hair, as it feels bruised and sensitive, that I asked Chris to cut it shorter, a first for both of us! We sat in the back garden with a blunt pair of scissors and a mirror. You can guess the rest... it's OK though I won't have this style for long!!

We took the children to the pier today, Oscar and Rebecca went on The Turbo rollercoaster with Tommy. On the way back I bought some new hats, eyelashes and glasses, along with a brow pen. Perhaps I should become a spy. Dinner in the tent again with the students staying at P&C's. Amalia, the chatty girl from Spain, very kindly bought me some lovely flowers.
I had amnesia once - 
maybe twice


  1. Liking the new look Paula x
    Looks like you are having a nice time in Brighton. Great place to spend some time.....
    I can only imagine how frustrating the hair loss is. Looks like you are getting together some creative ideas for retaining your glamour though. Big hugs
    Sam x x

  2. We love to read your daily blogs. So happy to see the photos of your lovely smiling self.
    Your even exta-short hair style looks great.
    Thanks to Tommy, Chris and Pete for being so kind and to our friend Amalia for giving you the beautiful flowers.
    Our love to all the grandchildren.

    Mum and Dad XX

  3. Only you could look this good all cropped, always wanted to try the Gweneth Sliding Doors style myself:)
    Happy Holidays, hoping it is sunny but anyway you would brighten anyday and so would that bracelet, nice bling :) Deb xx


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