
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Kaptain Keymo 2

Kaptain Keymo by Oscar & Rebecca, 

Am I glad my needle is not that big!
Chemo 2/6
Tommy and the kids dropped me off at the hospital again, got a super comfy window seat this time with remote recline, thought I was on a flight, but the drinks trolley never appeared. 
Ice and a slice?

Rebecca went to play at her friend's house where they made me some lovely perfume.

Tommy and Oscar picked me up from Lister hospital, only 2.5 hours this time. 

Marrow-lyn Monroe
My lovely life long friend Deb came over and we had a girlie evening in, she brought me a lovely package of organic healthy goodies, including a new wig stand (she said it was a home grown marrow... yeah, whatever). Tommy took Oscar to the football, where Oscar got to kick the ball back onto the pitch; sign him up. 

– that’s a site for sore eyes


  1. I think you should try the wig stand 'tomarrow' with a nice cheese sauce. Loved seeing you and catching up xxx Deb C

  2. Oh gourd! to-marrow, to-marrow I luv ya to-marrow. Great night Xx

  3. oh I have just worked it out! Seriously cus you look good o'natural but I do like the old toya Wilcox number


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