
Follow my progress of breast cancer with my blog ... it keeps me sane and I love to receive comments to keep me going, I keep smiling and taking each day as it comes. The posts are listed with the most recent first, go to the bottom of the page to scroll old posts or click on the weekly date list. Paula xx

Sunday 12 August 2012

Feeling Light Headed

Smileys are naturally bald.
This morning Mr Todd cut off my mohican, I now look just like him (minus the beard). I now have to wash behind my ears and I didn't quite know where to stop my make-up line this morning! We have had such a lovely relaxing time in Brighton, and it has been an easier transition period for me (the changing faces of Paula). We packed up and headed home at lunchtime. Thanks so much to Pete, Chris, Olivia and Scarlett and their students for making it such a great time.
My little brother with Skinhead O'Connor

Came home to more lovely cards and flowers from friends and family. 

Back to the hospital tomorrow to see my Oncologist and to have blood tests ready for chemo 2 on Tuesday.

Drilling for oil is boring


  1. Lovely photo of you and Pete....looking cool together! Thinking of you on Tues. lots of love HC xx

  2. Paula, you still look gorgeous! Bev xx

  3. Thought you looked Truly Scrumptious at Beaulieu! Glad you are having a great break. Good luck for Tuesday - hope it gets easier every time. Love to you all. Ali, Ian and kids xxx

  4. Hi Paula, just caught up with all of your blog. Massive respect! It was great seeing all you guys in Arran where your sunny disposition really lit up the day, and it's still shining away, and I'm sure you brought the sunshine to Brighton. Keep shining Paula.
    Pete x

  5. Hey Paula, you realise this is the most I have talked to you in 20 something years:) What a fabulous photo of you and your little brother, bald, blonde or red you can do it all !! All the best tmoro...will be thinking of you Deb xx

  6. Hi Paula, just heard the news today. What a bummer, sorry to hear and we wish you a super quick recovery. All our love Robin & Dalia

  7. What a lovely photo of you and your brother. You look gorgeous. Thinking of you this week. Sam XXX

  8. Thinking of you Paula, glad you had a fab time in Brighton.. As Deb said you look gorgeous what ever style, colour or 'not' you have!!
    Great photo of you and Pete.. Hope all goes well Monday and Tuesday

    Ju xxx


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